The club's annual weekend away this year was held at Beachport.
CLub members who made the trek were:
Alan Bevan and Jenny Richter
Don and Andrea Brooks and daughter Suzie
Robert Dettman
Grant England
Brenda and Brian Jones
Phillip Hardy
Peter Murphy
Neil Murray
Paul O’Leary
Graeme and Enid Pascoe (as guests of Don and Andrea)
Ross Pollock
John and Judith Hodgson
David and Chris Shetliffe and
Aldo Trissi.
Chris Wright and partner Marilyn did not make it due to being stuck in Hamilton with car problems.
First up was an evening shoot followed by a catch up in the president’s hut.
Saturday morning saw a number of members around the Beachport jetty for a dawn shoot before spreading out around Beachport looking for the winning shot for the Oscars.
Lunch was a staggered affair as a number of members were booked in for a camera shoot at the Naracoorte caves having to leave early.
The evening catch up was held in the Brooks’ cabin.
Sunday again the club spread out up and down the coast looking for the shot of the weekend.
Sunday night was a quiet affair with thew usual BBQ being held, and a few adventurous souls heading out for a bit of light painting before alling it a day.
Again the Oscars were held at Gartrell Hall followed by dinner at the Kenzi.
At the bottom of the page are the Oscar submissions.
The winner by popular vote being Jenny Richter (as a guest and overall winner)

Peter Murphy was judged as the club member winner.