ESCC Set Subject Definitions 2024


Images that focus on a component part of a larger object or a small section of a scene.

Objective: To experiment with cropping and zooming in on a subject to show the minimum amount of visual information required to make a compelling image.).


Definition: An image of a storytelling nature such as seen in the news media and periodicals covering documentary, sport, news or human interest. Photographic manipulation is not permitted. (except for minor removal of blemishes like dust spots).

Objective: To create a newsworthy image that tells a story.

“Negative Space”

Definition: Images where negative space is an integral part of the image.

Objective: To learn the use of negative space in an image as part of the composition.

“SA National Park or Conservation Park”

Definition: Images taken in a South Australian National Park or Conservation Park

Objective: To explore photography in one of the over 300 National Parks or Conservation Parks in South Australia.

“Environmental Portraiture”

Definition: A portrait that shows a person or group of people in their usual environment often associated with their occupation.

Objective: To capture people in their usual environment that helps tell a story.

“Urban Minimalism”

Definition: Minimalism is founded on the basic elements of design; line, shape, colour, texture, form, and composition. Minimalist art can be summarised within a single principle, the old adage of “keep it simple”. Urban images must be taken in a city or town.

Objective: To seek out simple images in a city or town.


Definition: Moody images taken in light or heavy fog.

Objective: To make use of foggy conditions to create an interesting image.


Definition: A photo of an object or scene where the predominant colour is blue.

Objective: To produce a pleasing image where blue is the dominant colour