2018 Robe Weekend Away
It has been four years since we gathered in the South-East of the state for photography and fun on the Queen’s Birthday weekend, that was at Kingston, this time it was Robe. The town was buzzing with holiday makers as was Madam Presidents cabin for the Friday night welcome gathering. Fortunately the weather was kind although a bit chilly. The sky was a bit too blue on the Sunday and the sunsets/rises a bit lacking but that's the lot of the photographer. Grumble, grumble ...
The 17 members and guests present were:
Don and Andrea Brooks
Robert and Rachel Dettman
Sue and John Hickey
Teresa Karas
Heather Mcdougall (New member)
Paul O’Leary
Graham and Enid Pascoe (who are regular guests of the Brooks)
Ross and Evonne Pollock
Barbara and Keith Seidel
Gina Stewart
Aldo Trissi
![first the ladies: Heather, Evonne, Sue, Teresa, Andrea, Barb, Gina, Rachel, Enid, then the boys: Paul, Aldo, Robert, [Keith, Don, Ross, Graeme,] Don, Ross and Graeme.](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5104bf8be4b0869f6414bed2/1528806435598-IJ7GY6Y1RMUOCWUWZE5U/ESCC+Group.jpg)
first the ladies: Heather, Evonne, Sue, Teresa, Andrea, Barb, Gina, Rachel, Enid, then the boys: Paul, Aldo, Robert, [Keith, Don, Ross, Graeme,] Don, Ross and Graeme.
At the Friday night get together in Barb and Keith's cabin there was lots of animated conversation and the unofficial photographer attempted to record the gathering amid much unsolicited but deserving advice. The traditional port wine tasting competition seemed to degenerate into a port wine drinking competition. There was some discussion of photo locations for the following days but, in deference to the fact that photographers like to do their own thing, nothing specific was decided.
So on the Saturday, with pleasant weather, people dispersed in all directions. Ross and Paul left for Beachport at a ridiculous hour when the more sensible members were still tucked in bed with the electric blanket on. However, their enthusiasm was thwarted by rain even though Robe enjoyed patchy cloud. On Sunday morning they went north to Mt Benson Forest where they caught some great light mixed with early morning fog which was layered. It was bitterly cold but worth the effort and a change from the Obelisk area. On Sunday night, joined by Robert, they went back to the forest where a ruin was the focus for light painting and milky way photography.
Teresa, Gina and Sue went to the ruins of the Noolook Bark Mill. On the way they photographed baby lambs, looking for the cute factor.
They also tried to check out beaches at Little Dip Conservation Park but turned back 2 times on 2 different roads after it got too hairy. The following day a party of four went to Little Dip Conservation Park, following Barb and Keith with Aldo in the car, who knew a better road and got to the beach.
It didn't take long before Mahalia Coffee was discovered in a most unlikely location - an industrial estate. The nick-lacks on display for sale added a quirky vibe and a ridiculously passive grey cat (should have been coffee colour) could be readily overlooked in the general visual chaos.
All in all another successful weekend away and considering what came before and after, the weather was excellent.